Thursday, January 12, 2012

Project Project Runway First Challenge: "Fashion Cents"

Oh. My. God.

I feel so much more sympathy for the contestants on PR now that I've "finished" a challenge. Of course, their models are mostly human-sized (albeit freakishly tall, skinny, insectile-looking humans) and they get 12 hours to Make It Work.

I had about 2.5 hours, total. This was due to my other life obligations, like eating. And taking care of my child. And sleeping.

But I cranked that bitch OUT.


I started with the skirt. I dismantled the pleather pencil case and the puffy duster-thing. At first I thought I would make a pleather mini skirt with a duster "shrug," but once I saw how the duster was constructed I knew that was a no go. That duster was going to require glue. Hot glue. And lots of it.

I settled on a "mermaid" style skirt and left the zipper on the front for a hard texture to contrast with the soft puffy duster on the sides and back.

Next I fashioned a halter top from the cover of the CD case and the string from the duster. I had originally planned to use the little beads from the duck ice pack as my "bling" but upon eviscerating the canard I discovered the beads were soft and gelatinous. They also repelled the hot glue like-- oh, I guess like a duck repels water. Argh.

The pink belt was originally the "lunchbox strap." I thought the pink would break up all the orange. It's a good thing Kateri has such a lovely dark complexion, because I don't think a white girl could pull off all that orange.

I added a couple of accessories from the Nieman Marcus Wall. Pickings were slim so I am just letting Kateri's inner hoochie hang out with bright pink stilettos and pink oversized sunglasses.

It's not terribly pretty, construction-wise. And it's probably too matchy-matchy, but I think I have survived the first round of judging. For my first outfit, I don't feel too bad.


  1. It is shocking to realize how much work this is once you start doing it, isn't it?! I think you did a great job. The first thing I thought when I saw it was how great the colors are on her.

  2. I really like this one. Well done.
